St. Peter's College, a private non-stock, non-sectarian intitution, aspires to be a leading provided of educational programs with excellent standing in research and commitment to outreach and service to the nation.


St. Peter's College provides quality education for students' career success.


St. Peter's College ENDEAVORS to the following:

1. Assure its clientele by providing programs and quality instruction augmented by information and communication technology;
2. Conduct Researches in relation to activities that promote the attainment of institutional outcomes as well as cater to the needs of the community and of the industry;
3. Commit to serve the community by implementing sustainable extension and outreach programs; and
4. Cultivate the engineering entrepreneurial, technological, and instructional skills of the students as a railroad towards successful careers and to enhance the plans and programs of the institution.


St. Peter's College is guided by the founder's ingrained principles in executing its philosophy of education with the following values:

1. Excellence. Uphold high standards of performance in all areas of academe.
2. Commitment. Satisfy clients' demands by prompt, enthusiastic, professional, responsive, and prestigious services regardless personal wants.
3. Leadership Motivate and strengthen the constituents and feel responsible for identifying and accomplishing tasks.
4. Accountability. Acknowledges and accepts responsibility for its actions in relation to established policies, procedures, and standards.
5. Perseverance. The inner strength to remain constant to a purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles by means of dedication, consistency, and having a positive attitude.
6. Honest. Open and honest in all dealings and maintain the highest integrity at all times.
7. Environmentalism. Advocate sustainable management and protection of natural resources through influencing individual behavior.
8. Nationalism. Have the dedication and loyalty in serving the interest of the nation.